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For International Students: Books/eBooks

This guide supports international students.

Search the Collections

  • Collections includes books and articles that Kyushu University possesses.
  • When you access the library's website and enter keywords, you can research on Collections.


Filtering and Sorting

  • Filter
    • Limit the results by your preference (Contents Type, Date Added, Year, Language...etc.)
  • Sort
    • Change the results by your preference (Relevance, Most Borrowed, Newest Arrivals, Title...etc.)

By using filter and sort, you can reach the material you look for in a short time.


How to borrow books?

The conditions how many books / how long you can borrow are different from each library. See here.

Intercampus delivery

If the books you look for locate at other campus, you can receive them at your own campus by requesting. The way to apply and conditions are here.

How to access ebooks?

Click the "View fulltext" on a book information page. Whether you can download PDF is different from book to book depending on contracts.
